Nydus Network and Nydus Worm unload period increased from 0.18 to 0.36.Nydus Network and Nydus Worm load period increased from 0.09 to 0.18.Nydus Network and Nydus Worm initial unload delay increased from 0.18 to 0.36.

Nydus Worm cost increased from 50/50 to 75/75.Lurkers affected by Blinding Cloud will now only fire to melee range.Increased research duration of Adaptive Talons from 54 seconds to 57 seconds.Increases the Lurker’s range from 8 to 10.
New Upgrade found on the Lurker Den: Seismic Spines.Lurker Den build time decreased from 86 seconds to 57 seconds.Neural Parasite can no longer target Heroic units.Neural Parasite range decreased from 9 to 8.Updated visual effects and sounds for Microbial Shroud.New upgrade found on the Infestation Pit: Evolve Microbial Shroud.Creates a shroud that obscures ground units below, reducing the damage they take from air units by 50%.Active Creep Tumors may no longer be canceled.Broodling leash range decreased from 12 to 9.High Impact Payload weapon cooldown decreased from 1.7 to 0.9.High Impact Payload damage decreased from 40 (+15 vs Massive) to 25 (+10 vs Massive).Fixed an issue where splash damage will not properly apply to units affected by Anti-Armor missile.Raven movement speed increased from 3.85 to 4.13.Interference Matrix duration increased from 8 seconds to 11 seconds.Interference Matrix energy cost increased from 50 energy to 75 energy.M.U.L.E.’s now always attempt to spawn on the side of minerals closest to a town hall.However, this upgrade will not affect Medivac’s movement speed during the Ignite Afterburners effect.ĭeveloper Comment: Since there are some situations where the mule duration decrease could return less minerals than before, we want to revert the mule's duration to their original 64 second value. In addition to reducing the Medivac's Ignite Afterburners cooldown by 5 seconds, this upgrade will also increase the Medivac's base movement speed from 3.5 to 4.13.Moved the Rapid Re-Ignition System upgrade from the Starport Tech Lab to the Fusion Core.Advanced Ballistics upgrade now increases the range of Liberators in Defender Mode by 3, down from 4.Advanced Ballistics upgrade moved from the Starport Tech Lab to the Fusion Core.Infernal Pre-Igniter research cost decreased from 150/150 to 100/100.Fixed an issue that displayed the opponent’s Battlecruiser’s locations on the minimap after using Tactical Jump.Fixed an issue where the Raven’s Interference Matrix and the Viper’s Abduct were causing the Battlecruiser’s Tactical Jump to go on cooldown.Fixed an issue that if a Battlecruiser used shift to queue several commands which included Tactical Jump, it would be immune to Abduct or Interference Matrix as if it was using Tactical Jump during that time.Instead, the Yamato Cannon will miss, and the ability will go on cooldown. Yamato Cannon will no longer cancel itself if a target enters a transport or becomes cloaked/burrowed.In this state, the Battlecruiser can be damaged, but Tactical Jump may not be canceled. Tactical Jump now stuns and puts the Battlecruiser into a 1 second vulnerability phase before it teleports.Ultralisks may now walk over Zerglings, Banelings, Locusts, and Broodlings in Co-op.The Ultralisk’s Frenzied ability no longer blocks mind control effects in Co-op.Co-op players on Hard difficulty will now play at Faster game speed in order to better match with Brutal players.Brutal+2 through Brutal+6, and the Try Again setting, can only be played with a premade group. Brutal+1 can be queued with any level 15 commander through matchmaking. The Retry Brutal+ setting allows players to attempt a failed challenge on the same map against the same enemy unit composition. These create random mutation challenges of increasing levels of difficulty. Brutal+ difficulties have been added to Co-op.Balance test tab is going to be disabled.Queue up with DeepMind feature is going to be shut down with this patch.Account Management link has been added to the log in screen.MMR is now revealed on the loading screen for Master and Grandmaster players in 1v1 ladder games.16 Nation Wars 2019 team Portraits were added into the Nation Wars 2019 Complete Bundle available for purchase through Matcherino website.A new Winter Announcer is now available.Feed an endless stream of cheap troopers into the meat grinder, softening your enemies for your Royal Guard to go in for the kill.Control the battle with an iron fist as Arcturus Mengsk, the newest Co-Op Commander for StarCraft II.New Co-op Commander and Announcer: Arcturus Mengsk.